New Developments Are Transforming Treatments for People Living with Type 1 Diabetes

For teenagers navigating adolescence, independence is paramount. Few understand this better than Sara. Since being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 17, Sara has grappled daily with constant monitoring and frequent insulin injections. Usually diagnosed in children and young adults, the disease requires patients to rely on lifelong insulin treatment for survival. But with an army of researchers devoted to developing innovative new medicines, people like Sara have much to look forward to.

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Researchers Making An Impact

Matthias, a type 1 diabetes researcher, has devoted his life’s work to understanding and ultimately bringing an end to the disease. Its chronic nature is no match for his tenacity in discovering revolutionary therapies and transforming treatment to improve quality of life. Thanks to the determination of Matthias, and the thousands of researchers like him, new treatments are constantly being developed, each striving to meet the continual challenges presented by diabetes. With more than 170 medicines for diabetes and diabetes-related conditions in the pipeline, it’s only a matter of time before people like Sara can live disease-free.

We have made fantastic strides and progress, so there’s a lot to be really excited about.

Matthias von Herrath
Type 1 Diabetes Researcher
Matthias Type 1 Diabetes Researcher image

The Latest Innovations

Despite challenges presented by the complexity of diabetes, researchers have made great strides with innovative treatments. The results of a recent oral insulin prevention trial found that treatment at an early stage was able to delay the progression of type 1 diabetes by an average of 31 months. Meaningful and exciting outcomes like this can help improve the standard of care for patients in the future and potentially lead to further advances in prevention.

Researchers continue to build on the already monumental progress made to improve quality of life for people living with diabetes. Currently in development is a potential first-in-class oral treatment that targets two separate areas within the body, inhibiting molecules that transport glucose in and out of cells. This is achieved independent of insulin to address diabetes in an entirely new way. This treatment, along with the more than 170 in development, brings new hope to the millions of people who struggle to successfully manage their disease. By bringing these innovations to life, researchers take us one step closer to a world without diabetes.

Together, We Will Defeat Type 1 Diabetes

Developing new medicines is a complex and challenging process. But each discovery in diabetes research brings hope to the more than 30 million Americans like Sara who battle the disease every day. Researchers continue to break new ground to provide valuable treatments and better options. With each breakthrough, we not only improve the lives of people living with diabetes but also progress closer toward the ultimate goal: transforming a chronic condition into a curable one.


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