Prioritize Innovative Care
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for American men, with about one in every eight men in the United States receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer in their lifetime
Tell Congress: Pass Reforms to Ensure Medicine Savings Go to Patients, Not Middlemen
Help Preserve Patient-Centered Innovation
Every day, America’s biopharmaceutical researchers work to develop lifesaving treatments and cures. We’re fighting to make sure innovation reaches patients like you. Join us to support the development of the next generation of medicines that will help save lives.
Urge Your Senators to Stand Up to Drug Middlemen and Cosponsor and Pass S. 1542
Let us introduce you to the patients and caregivers fighting to make medical innovation possible and accessible.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for American men, with about one in every eight men in the United States receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer in their lifetime
Renne, a lifelong resident of Arizona, has battled asthma since childhood.
Stories like Carlos’ will only continue to be possible if lawmakers support policies that encourage biopharmaceutical innovation and access.
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